Understanding Victorian Education System

This comprehensive course is designed specifically for interpreters and translators working within the Department of Education Victoria. The course provides in-depth knowledge of the Victorian education system, focusing on the key areas interpreters and translators are likely to encounter in educational settings. By understanding the structure, policies, and services of the education system, participants will be better equipped to facilitate clear and accurate communication between families, educators, and school staff.

Key Highlights:

  • Gain insights into the types of schools in Victoria, their unique characteristics, and enrolment processes.
  • Explore the curriculum, subject offerings, and the transition programs that support students at different stages.
  • Learn about student services assessments, including those for students with additional needs.
  • Understand discipline issues, parent-teacher interviews, and the School Focused Youth Service.
  • Discover health and well-being initiatives such as the Primary and Secondary School Nursing Programs.

Designed for:

This course is tailored to meet the needs of interpreters and translators who work in schools, kindergartens, early childhood services, and other educational contexts, ensuring they can confidently support culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students and families.

By completing this course, participants will develop the contextual understanding and specialised terminology required to excel in their role, bridging the gap between families and educators for the benefit of Victoria’s diverse student population.


A professional development certificate will be issued upon completion of the course. Learners will be eligible to receive 10 points towards recertification (Section 1.4 or 2.20 of the NAATI Recertification PD Catalogue). Some courses may attract PD points from multiple categories. Please choose the most appropriate category for your recertification.

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Modules
  • 16 Lessons
  • 12 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate