IP Policy

At NEXPD, we deeply respect the creativity and effort that our instructors and content creators put into their work. As a platform built on fostering educational growth and innovation, it’s crucial for us to ensure a supportive environment that honours and protects the intellectual property (IP) rights of every member of our community.

Understanding Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights encompass the protections granted to creators over their creations, ensuring they can control and receive compensation for their use. This includes:

Copyright: Protecting the expression of original ideas, such as course materials, videos, and articles.

Trade marks: Protecting brands, logos, taglines and slogans used to distinguish goods and services.

For example, if an instructor creates a course including their original artwork or educational content, these creations are protected under copyright law.

Similarly, the use of NEXPD’s logo by an instructor in a way that might suggest endorsement or affiliation without our consent would infringe on our trade mark rights.

Notice and Takedown Procedure – Reports and Complaints

We take IP infringement seriously. If you believe your work has been improperly used on the NEXPD platform in a way that infringes your copyright, trademark, or other rights, we encourage you to reach out to us through our designated reporting process.

To file a complaint, please provide:

  • Your contact information: Full name, address, phone number, and email.
  • A clear description of the work claimed to be infringed and evidence of your ownership.
  • The location of the infringing material on the NEXPD site (URLs preferred).
  • A statement of good faith belief that the use is not authorized by you, the copyright or trademark owner.
  • A declaration under penalty of perjury that the information provided is accurate and that you are the copyright or trademark owner or are authorized to act on their behalf.
  • Your electronic or physical signature.

Send your report to our admin team at admin@nexpd.com. Upon receipt, we’ll promptly investigate the claim and take appropriate action, which may include removal of the infringing content.

If Your Work Has Been Included in a Notice and Takedown Report

Should your content be identified in a complaint, we will temporarily remove the content in question and notify you, providing details of the report and information on how to file a counter-notice if you believe the takedown was in error. Any counter-notice must be filed within ten (10) days.

Filing a Counter-Notice

If you believe your content was wrongfully removed due to misidentification or a mistake, you may submit a counter-notice. Include:

  • Your contact information.
  • A description of the removed content and where it was located before removal.
  • A statement under penalty of perjury that you believe the content was removed in error.
  • Your electronic or physical signature.

Submit your counter-notice to admin@nexpd.com. We will review your submission and may restore the content based on our findings.


Upon the receipt of both the notice and counter-notice, we will issue a decision within fourteen (14) days.  If, in our opinion, no infringement has taken place, we will reinstate the content on the NEXPD platform.

Likewise, if we determine than an infringement has occurred, we will completely remove the content. In either scenario, NEXPD will not be held responsible or liable to any party, and our decision will be final.

If either party is dissatisfied with our decision, then they may seek recourse through the courts to obtain an order regarding the alleged infringement. NEXPD will comply with any court orders to either delete or reinstate the content accordingly.

Repeat Infringer Policy

NEXPD maintains a policy that may involve the termination of repeat infringers in appropriate circumstances. If an account repeatedly infringes others’ intellectual property rights, we reserve the right to take further action, which may include terminating the account without any compensation to you.


We ask all members of the NEXPD community to respect the IP rights of others. By obtaining consent before using someone else’s work and ensuring your contributions are original, you help us maintain a platform that respects creators’ rights and fosters a culture of innovation and respect.

Your use of the NEXPD website indicates your agreement to abide by these policies as part of our broader Terms and Conditions.

For any questions or further information regarding this policy, please contact us at admin@nexpd.com.
Last updated 30 July 2024.