Category: Event

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Workshop – Chuchotage (Simultaneous) Interpreting in Community Settings (3/4/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Simultaneous Monologue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Simultaneous Interpreting skills. Including enrolment in the Introduction to Chuchotage course, this workshop and focuses on Simultaneous Interpreting practice. Participants will practise chuchotage and develop strategies for resolving SI challenges through practical interpreting exercises in community settings. Although chuchotage is tested at the Certified Interpreter level and above, it is a necessary technique in community settings as in many situations whispered SI allows the interpreter to achieve the required accuracy level (Gonzalez & Lai, 2022). Therefore, interpreters working at all levels of certification need to be able to switch to chuchotage when required.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Chuchotage (Simultaneous) Interpreting in Community Settings (4/9/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Simultaneous Monologue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Simultaneous Interpreting skills. Including enrolment in the Introduction to Chuchotage course, this workshop and focuses on Simultaneous Interpreting practice. Participants will practise chuchotage and develop strategies for resolving SI challenges through practical interpreting exercises in community settings. Although chuchotage is tested at the Certified Interpreter level and above, it is a necessary technique in community settings as in many situations whispered SI allows the interpreter to achieve the required accuracy level (Gonzalez & Lai, 2022). Therefore, interpreters working at all levels of certification need to be able to switch to chuchotage when required.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Interactional Management (14/8/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreter or Certified Interpreter Consecutive Dialogue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Interactional Management skills. This workshop aims to provide interpreters with knowledge, skills and strategies for how to best manage the flow of the communication when required. Learners will apply interaction management strategies in simulated scenarios. They will also have an opportunity to share experiences and ask questions about managing interaction in complex settings.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Interactional Management (6/3/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreter or Certified Interpreter Consecutive Dialogue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Interactional Management skills. This workshop aims to provide interpreters with knowledge, skills and strategies for how to best manage the flow of the communication when required. Learners will apply interaction management strategies in simulated scenarios. They will also have an opportunity to share experiences and ask questions about managing interaction in complex settings.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Interactional Management (9/10/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreter or Certified Interpreter Consecutive Dialogue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Interactional Management skills. This workshop aims to provide interpreters with knowledge, skills and strategies for how to best manage the flow of the communication when required. Learners will apply interaction management strategies in simulated scenarios. They will also have an opportunity to share experiences and ask questions about managing interaction in complex settings.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Medical Terminology – Mandarin (13/5/23 and 27/5/23)



Learning Medical Terminology can seem like a daunting task at first. It could, in fact, be like learning a whole other language. In reality, memorising all of the words in a medical dictionary may prove to be impossible. Do not fear! There is a simple way to learn and understand Medical Terminology. Most words are simply a combination of different parts or elements. In this workshop, you will learn the common roots, prefixes, and suffixes of medical terminology and how to use this knowledge to help you navigate complicated medical language for your interpreting and translating assignments. This workshop is designed for new interpreters and translators and experienced interpreters and translators looking to refresh their knowledge of medical terminology. The workshop includes a Medical Terminology workbook, including a glossary that you can take home.

0 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Medical Terminology – Mandarin (14/10/23 and 28/10/23)



Learning Medical Terminology can seem like a daunting task at first. It could, in fact, be like learning a whole other language. In reality, memorising all of the words in a medical dictionary may prove to be impossible. Do not fear! There is a simple way to learn and understand Medical Terminology. Most words are simply a combination of different parts or elements. In this workshop, you will learn the common roots, prefixes, and suffixes of medical terminology and how to use this knowledge to help you navigate complicated medical language for your interpreting and translating assignments. This workshop is designed for new interpreters and translators and experienced interpreters and translators looking to refresh their knowledge of medical terminology. The workshop includes a Medical Terminology workbook, including a glossary that you can take home.

40 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Note Taking (3/7/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Consecutive Monologue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Note Taking for Long Consecutive Interpreting skills. Note-taking has long been adopted by interpreters as a strategy to relieve pressure on short-term memory. However, many are perplexed as to how much information is required to be noted down to ensure an accurate comprehension and retrieval of the whole message.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Note Taking & Long Consecutive Interpreting (13/11/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Consecutive Monologue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Note Taking for Long Consecutive Interpreting skills. Note-taking has long been adopted by interpreters as a strategy to relieve pressure on short-term memory. However, many are perplexed as to how much information is required to be noted down to ensure an accurate comprehension and retrieval of the whole message.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Sight Translation (27/2/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Sight Translation tasks, or seeking to improve their Sight Translation skills. Strengthen your understanding of the challenges involved in producing a good sight translation. Focus on developing skills for producing sight translations that are faithful to the original and easy for listeners to follow.

20 points

Free with Membership


Workshop – Sight Translation (8/5/23)



This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Sight Translation tasks, or seeking to improve their Sight Translation skills. Strengthen your understanding of the challenges involved in producing a good sight translation. Focus on developing skills for producing sight translations that are faithful to the original and easy for listeners to follow.

20 points

Free with Membership