Category: Members

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Translation: Back to Basics – Introduction to Community Translation



This short course will cover the basics of translation: what translation consists of, the nature of the translation process, types of meaning (denotative vs. connotative, semantic vs. pragmatic, etc.), equivalence and equivalent effect, context and translation brief.

10 points
PD Certificate

Free with Membership


Urology and the Male Urogenital System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)



Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the surgical and medical diseases of the male and female urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs.

10 points
PD Certificate

Free with Membership


What is special about community translation? – Introduction to Community Translation



This short course focuses on the distinctive features of community translation as a key facilitator of communication strategies between public services and people who do not share the same language. The course outlines and discusses some of the main issues in community translation as a professional activity and as a social service. The course also covers the social role of community translation, the special agency and role of community translators, translation accessibility and plain language, dissemination methods, and quality requirements – including, among other aspects, training, a functional understanding of translation, and collaboration between translators and other stakeholders.

10 points
PD Certificate

Free with Membership


Your Role as a Community Translator – Introduction to Community Translation



This short course will open with a general discussion of the role of translators as stipulated in codes of ethics (especially the notions of impartiality and accuracy), followed by a discussion of translators as intercultural mediators and as social agents. This will pave the way for a discussion of the specific and special role of community translators within their local or national context.

10 points
PD Certificate

Free with Membership