Introduction to Criminal Law for Interpreters and Translators
Who would this be useful for?
This course will cover the following items:
Criminal Courts Overview
Criminal Investigations
Bail Applications
Interpreting in Police Settings
Interpreting in Lawyer-Client Interviews
Summary Proceedings
Committal Proceedings
Higher Court Pleas
Giving Evidence in Court
Accuracy in Court Interpreting
Intervention Orders/ Apprehended Violence Orders
Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals
Course outcomes
Certificate Earned
 A professional development certificate will be issued upon completion of the course. Learners will be eligible to receive points towards recertification (Section 1.4 of NAATI Recertification PD Catalogue). Some courses may attract PD points from multiple categories. Please choose the most appropriate category for your recertification.
Course Completion Guidelines
“As an Auslan Interpreter who has worked in the legal sphere for over 25 years, this online course was excellent, in depth and solidified and consolidated all my practical learnings to date. I highly recommend this course.”
– Mark, AU
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