




This workshop suits practitioners and students preparing for the NAATI Certified Interpreter Consecutive Monologue Interpreting tasks, or seeking to improve their Note Taking for Long Consecutive Interpreting skills. Note-taking has long been adopted by interpreters as a strategy to relieve pressure on short-term memory. However, many are perplexed as to how much information is required to be noted down to ensure an accurate comprehension and retrieval of the whole message.

Included Products

Note Taking for Interpreters

Introduction to Note Taking for Interpreters

10 points
PD Certificate


This unit will cover an overview of the note taking techniques that can help interpreters in their long consecutive interpretations, supporting and complementing the use of short-term memory.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters wanting to improve their skills in consecutive interpreting.

This course will cover the following items:

When and how to use note taking

Rozan’s principles of note taking

Symbols and abbreviations

Avoiding processing overload

Course outcomes


Note taking techniques and when to use them


Balance note taking with the use of short term memory in consecutive interpreting

Presented By

RMIT University
NSW, Australia

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1 products in this bundle
20 total points
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