Aged Care Assessment Tools and Care Planning

This webinar is for interpreters and translators who work in Aged Care settings.

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing and All Graduates have collaborated through “Conversations: Interpreting and Translating” to provide training for interpreters and translators through a series of Aged Care webinars in 2021. The series consists of 5 parts and includes collaborations with other Aged Care organisations.

The second webinar in the series will focus on My Aged Care and commonly used Assessment Tools in Aged Care Assessment.

Topics Covered:

Presented by:

Angela currently works at Northern Health which is a large public health service in Northern Metro Melbourne as the Aged Care Assessment Service Program Manager for Bundoora ACAS. She has been employed at Northern Health for approximately 3 years. Over the past 12 years Angela has worked in the Aged Care sector in various roles including Nursing Education, Dementia Nurse Consultant, Quality, Project Officer, ACAS Assessor and Nursing Management. She graduated from La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Nursing and specialised in Emergency Nursing for approx. 15 years in both public and private hospitals. Currently, Angela holds several post graduate qualifications including a Master’s in Education and undertaking a MBA at Deakin University.

Paulina currently works as the Assessment and Training Coordinator and Team Leader role for the Aged Care Assessment Services, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne Health. This service provides aged care assessments to clients in the North West of Melbourne in the community, residential aged care and hospital settings.

Paulina is a senior Occupational Therapist and has worked clinically across the hospital and community settings in Melbourne, Northern Territory and Internationally. She has been in her current role for 6 years and provides clinical support and education to the nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapist and social workers.

She graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor of Behavioural Neurosciences in 2002 and then went on to complete a Masters in Occupational Therapy at Deakin University. Paulina is currently in the process of completing a Master’s in Public Health at the University of Melbourne.

Lisa’s most recent role prior to CCDA was the Assistant Director for Inclusion strategies for the National Disability Insurance Agency. She has had 20 years of experiences in a range of sectors and held roles including Diversity Advisor for the Hume Whittlesea Primary Care Partnership overseeing diversity planning and practice in Melbourne’s North Metro region for CHSP and HACC-PYP providers, Youth Services Manager for the Victorian Arabic Social Services, Refugee and Asylum

Seeker Partnership Coordinator at Spectrum, and as a researcher at the Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University in Melbourne. She has also undertaken work in Egypt for the Centre for Intercultural Dialogue in Cairo. Lisa is the Founder and Managing Director of Lotus Consulting, which aims to promote cultural competency skills and intercultural dialogue supporting diverse organisations to build their capacity for social inclusion. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), a Bachelor of Social Work, Masters in Islamic Studies and a Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapy.

Facilitated by:

Fatih Karakas is the Trainer and Training & PD Coordinator at All Graduates. He is also a lecturer in the Translating and Interpreting Program at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University where he also completed his Masters in Translation and Interpreting. He teaches both at Vocational and Higher Education levels and has delivered training in other states across the country for RMIT University and AUSIT.

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