


Translating & Interpreting in Healthcare Settings - Medical Term Bundle



There is no better way to establish competencies as a professional translator or interpreter in the healthcare sector than this bundle of on-demand courses. As the industry moves towards more nuanced and specialised testing of capabilities, you will find the skill developed in these courses immensely valuable, both in preparing for NAATI tests, and also for working within the healthcare sector. We consider this a useful bundle for practitioners regardless of their level of certification, and in fact recommend this for those practising below the “Certified Translator” or “Certified Interpreter” level, especially practitioners who are new to the industry, new to the country, or are providing services in an emerging language.

Included Products

Code of Ethics in Healthcare

Code of Ethics in Healthcare Interpreting (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


This module presents an overview of ethical principles as they apply to various healthcare settings. It will discuss possible ethical dilemmas in both the general healthcare setting and the mental healthcare setting.

Who would this be useful for?

This module will be useful for those who have started interpreting in healthcare settings, and who are wondering how to tackle some of the many ethical dilemmas. Anyone who is not familiar with the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Code of Ethics and specific dilemmas that may occur when interpreting in the healthcare setting.

This course will cover the following items:

Understanding the AUSIT/NZSTI Code of Ethics

Grey areas

Ethical Principles Relevant to Health

Migrant and Refugee Settings

Mental Health Interpreting Guidelines (Language Loop/Monash University)

Knowledge of the guidelines

Ability to respond accordingly

Course outcomes


The AUSIT (2012) Code of Ethics

Awareness of grey areas in the AUSIT (2012) and NZSTI (2013) Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, especially as they relate to the healthcare setting.

Some ethical dilemmas related to working in migrant and refugee settings, especially when working with patients from communities where everyone knows one another.

Some of the Do’s and Don’ts of working in mental health settings.

Awareness of the possibility of transference and counter transference.

How to work with other interpreters in terms of sharing interpreting choices and knowledge of therapeutic frameworks without impacting on patient confidentiality.

Awareness of the many different aspects of communication (both on the part of the patient and the (mental) health professional) that need to be considered for an accurate rendition.


Apply the different principles of the AUSIT Code of Ethics in a range of healthcare settings.

Maintain accuracy in mental health settings where the patient is not making any sense.

Work with mental health professionals and patients, while being aware of the many ethical considerations that may affect accuracy

Australian healthcare system

Introduction to the Australian Health System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


  • Understanding the Australian healthcare system, including Medicare, public and private health
  • Understanding admission and referral processes
  • Primary Physicians and GPs
  • Outpatient Clinics and Specialist Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Emergency Departments (ERs)

Who would this be useful for?

This course would be useful for: Overseas trained health professionals wishing to work in Australia Interpreters interpreting in Australian healthcare settings Translators undertaking work related to Australian healthcare settings

This course will cover the following items:

The Australian Healthcare system as a hybrid model in between the welfare state model and the market model

Medicare, what it covers or does not cover, and the concept of bulk billing

Who can enrol in Medicare and some countries with Reciprocal Health Care Agreements


Health Professionals and Allied Health Professionals in Australia

Outpatient Clinics

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

Medicare screening, tests and scans

Private insurance in Australia

History taking, physical examination and diagnostic studies

Emergency Departments

Course outcomes


The Australian Healthcare system, health professionals and allied health professionals, public hospitals and outpatient clinics

Medicare, what it covers or does not cover, and the concept of bulk billing, and Medicare screening, tests and scans

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

Who can enrol in Medicare and some countries with Reciprocal Health Care Agreements


Private insurance in Australia

History taking, physical examination and diagnostic studies

Emergency Departments


Interpret or translate terminology related to the Australian healthcare system

Demonstrate an awareness of what will happen during a visit to a health professional in Australia

Demonstrate an awareness of what happens in Emergency Departments in Australia

Demonstrate an awareness of the referral system


Interpreting in Oncology Settings (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


  • What is Oncology?
  • Referral System
  • Diagnostic Studies
  • Typing and Staging
  • Diagnosis and Prognosis
  • Treatment Options
  • Challenges for Interpreters

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for interpreters working in oncology settings and translators translating oncology-related patient information.

This course will cover the following items:

Oncology, different types of cancer

Typing and staging cancer to determine the best course of action

Treatment options depending on the type and stage of the cancer

Specific challenges when working in oncology settings

Course outcomes


Different types of cancer, different diagnostic studies and treatment options

The role of the primary care physician or GP in the referral process

History taking and the importance of accurate interpreting

The referral process

Different challenges when interpreting in the oncology setting


Accurately interpret in the oncology setting

Accurately translate patient information related to cancer treatment and diagnostic studies

role of interpreter

Culture and the Role of the Interpreter (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Understanding culture and how it impacts on communication

  • responding to difficult situations
  • managing complex cultural influences
  • explaining the cultural contexts to others

The role of the interpreter

  • knowledge of the interpreter’s role in a healthcare team
  • interactions with other health professionals
  • managing stressful assignments
  • how the role interacts with that of others

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for anybody working in intercultural communicative situations in the healthcare setting, healthcare interpreters, healthcare translators, overseas trained professionals working in the multicultural Australian healthcare setting and health professionals working with interpreters in the Australian healthcare setting.

This course will cover the following items:

Cultural historical and political knowledge – to identify culture-specific references

Familiarity with changes and developments – to identify culture-specific references

Intercultural competency in interpreting as opposed to thematic competency

Hofstede’s insights – nation-based; power distance, individualism, masculinity vs femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation, indulgence

Generalisations and stereotyping

Course outcomes



Keep up with changes and developments in terms of cultural, historical and political knowledge

Demonstrate familiarity with Hofstede’s nation-based Insights

Explain the danger of generalisations and stereotyping when applying intercultural competency

Mental Health course

Interpreting in Mental Health Settings (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Understanding the AUSIT Code of Ethics *Exploring grey areas where different ethical principles intersect Specific ethical principles relevant to health Migrant and refugee settings – working with interpreter guidelines Mental Health Interpreting guidelines (Language Loop VITS/Monash University) * Knowledge of the guidelines * Ability to respond in line with these guidelines

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for interpreters working in Mental Health settings.

This course will cover the following items:

Mental Health Settings


Issues for Interpreters

Bipolar Disorder

Anxiety Disorders

Schizophrenia/Psychotic Episode

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Screening Tools and Protocols

Forensic Psychiatry Interpreting

Interpreting guidelines

Course outcomes


Different classifications of Mental Health disorders (DSM-5, ICD)

Some of the most common Mental Health disorders and the specific challenges they pose for the interpreter

Guidelines for interpreting in Mental Health settings, including working with other interpreters

Challenges involved when interpreting in forensic psychiatry settings

Screening tools used in the diagnostic assessment of certain conditions


Interpret in a range of mental health settings

Overcome some of the challenges when working in mental health settings

Prepare to interpret questions that are part of some of the commonly used screening tools

informed consent course

Informed Consent (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


In this module you will learn what Informed Consent is, why it is important and what it should include. You will also learn what information needs to be provided in order to ensure that patients or their families/caregivers are fully informed and able to consent. We will look at situations where patients are not able to consent and what happens then. We will look at the interpreter role, challenges and how to address some of the challenges.

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for practising healthcare interpreters, translators who are asked to translate information related to informed consent and translators who are asked to translate information related to pre- and post-operative procedures.

This course will cover the following items:

Definition and Types of Informed Consent

Information Needed for Informed Consent

Requirements for Consent to Be Valid

Legal Capacity for Informed Consent

Interpreter Role and Issues

Pre-op and Post-op Procedures

Quiz questions

Course outcomes


The Informed Consent procedure and what it should entail

Pre-operative questions and why they are asked

Post-operative procedures and questions and why they are asked

Post-operative monitoring and why it is done

Some possible complications of surgery and/or anaesthesia


Interpret in Informed Consent settings

Interpret in pre- and post-operative settings

Translate information related to Informed Consent

Translate information related to pre- and post-operative procedures

medical terminology course

A Short Introduction to Medical Terminology – Single Module (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Understanding the history of medical terms used in English today.

Understanding the Greek components of many medical terms

Understanding the Latin components of many medical terms

Some common combinations in terms of body parts, prefixes and suffixes

Who would this be useful for?

This course will cover the following items:

History of Medical Terminology

Spelling and Pronunciation

Latin & Greek Elements

Common Combinations

Common Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes

Course outcomes



Ability to recognise commonly used elements of medical terms

Ability to understand the meaning of medical terms based on understanding the meaning of the components of those terms

healthcare interpreter

An Introduction to Healthcare Interpreting (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


This module presents an introduction to healthcare interpreting. We will discuss why we refer to it as healthcare interpreting, rather than medical interpreting. The importance of accuracy, including the concept of trying to achieve pragmatic equivalence. Other topics include the triangle of communication and how to achieve this in different situations, including interpreting in a cath lab when someone is having a coronary angiography. We will also talk about advanced interaction managements and some scenarios where this may be required. Lastly we will talk about note-taking, what to note down. and the importance of understanding the terminology used, as well as the distinction between terminology as opposed to jargon and slang.

Who would this be useful for?

This course will cover the following items:

What is Healthcare Interpreting?


Triangle of Communication

Advanced Interactional Management in Health Settings

Parents and children at the same time

Dealing with conflict and high-emotion situations,

Managing multiple sources of information i.e., family meetings, chuchotage, managing overlapping talk


Importance of Terminology

Course outcomes


The concept of healthcare interpreting and some of the more or less common settings in which healthcare interpreters might work.

The triangle of communication and why this is important to enhance direct communication between health professionals and patients.

What advanced interaction management entails and what settings may prove a challenge for the healthcare interpreter.

What to write down when taking notes, and when to take notes as opposed to not taking notes, but instead focusing on what is said and managing the interaction.

The distinction between healthcare terminology as opposed to jargon and slang.


Explain the interpreter role and manage difficult interactions in the healthcare setting using a few different scenarios as examples.

Manage the triangle of communication in different healthcare settings.

Take notes in such a way that the message is conveyed visually.

Speech Pathology

Interpreting in Speech Pathology Settings (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


In this course, we will have a look at some of the many aspects of the work that Speech Pathologists may be involved in, including some that may involve working with interpreters. Speech Pathologists may work with interpreters in scenarios involving the assessment of children with suspected language delay, and with adults experiencing speech and/or language difficulties after a stroke. Interpreters working in this setting may be asked to provide metalinguistic commentary as to how something is said.

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for Healthcare interpreters working in speech pathology settings.

This course will cover the following items:

What does the work of Speech Pathologists involve?

What are some common issues Speech Pathologists may help address

Working with Speech Pathologists in child language development settings

Working with Speech Pathologists assessing patients who have had a stroke

Course outcomes


The difference between speech and language

Receptive and productive language skills

Some common assessments carried out by Speech Pathologists working with children

Some common assessments carried out by Speech Pathologists working with adults who have suffered a stroke

The role of interpreters in Speech Pathology settings


Avoid some of the pitfalls of interpreting in Speech Pathology settings

Provide metalinguistic commentary in Speech Pathology settings

Sexual Health services

Sexual Health & STDs (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Sexual health-related issues are wide-ranging and encompass sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual expression, relationships, and pleasure. This module will focus on Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Sexual Health & Sexually Transmitted Infections. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters. 

This course will cover the following items:



Genital warts



Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The pathology of Sexually Transmitted Infections – include Chlamydia, Syphilis, Genital warts, Gonorrhoea and HIV

Common Investigations for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Treatments and medications of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Sexual Health


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the related health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently


Rheumatology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Rheumatology is the branch of internal medicine that deals with a variety of conditions affecting connective tissues of the body, including joints, muscle, bone, the immune and vascular systems.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Rheumatology. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters. 

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and Physiology of the Connective Tissue.

Common Rheumatic Disorders

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved 

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the connective tissue.

How the connective tissue works.

Common Rheumatic Disorders.

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to Rheumatology.

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Rheumatology. 


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain. 

Understand, remember and recall Rheumatology terminology efficiently.

Reproductive Medicine

Reproductive Medicine (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Reproductive medicine is a branch of medicine that specializes in fertility preservation, diagnosing and treating infertility, and other reproductive problems. Reproductive medicine also deals with issues related to contraception (birth control), and certain sexual problems.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of reproductive medicine. Interpreters who are preparing for NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Reproductive Physiology

Pathology of infertility

Contraceptive methods

Assisted Reproductive Treatment (IVF and ICSI)

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The physiology of the reproductive system

Pathology of infertility

Contraceptive methods

Assisted Reproductive Treatment

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Reproductive Medicine


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently


Ophthalmology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye. Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distant vision impairment. In at least 1 billion – or almost half – of these cases, vision impairment could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed. (WHO 2020)

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Ophthalmology. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the eye 

Physiology of the eye

Ophthalmic Pathology and Common Eye Diseases

Common investigations 

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved 

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the eye

How the eye works

Ophthalmic Pathology and Common Eye Diseases

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to ophthalmology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in ophthalmology.


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

what is obstetrics

Obstetrics and Pregnancy (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Obstetrics is the branch of medicine concerned with childbirth, caring for and treating women in or in connection with childbirth. Obstetrics involves care during pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately after delivery.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Obstetrics. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter. 

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomical and Physiological change during pregnancy

Common Disorders of Pregnancy

Common Investigations

Common Treatments and Medications

Important Medical Terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Health Professionals involved

Course outcomes


The anatomy and physiological changes during pregnancy

Common Disorders of Pregnancy

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to Obstetrics

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Obstetrics


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall Obstetrics and Pregnancy terminology efficiently


Gynaecology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Gynaecology is the branch of medicine that specializes in women’s health, with a focus on the female reproductive system. The gynaecological disorders include menstruation issues, urinary incontinence in women and postmenopausal disorders.

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who wish to develop a basic understanding of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. It is also suitable for interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test, or who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and Physiology of Women Reproductive System

Common Gynaecological Disorders

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Health professionals involved

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the female reproductive system

How the female reproductive system works

Common Gynaecological Diseases

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to Gynaecology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Gynaecology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Ear, Nose and Throat (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) is a medical specialty that is focused on the ears, nose, and throat. It is also called otolaryngology-head and neck surgery as the specialists are trained to treat patients with disorders and diseases of the ears, nose, throat, and other structures of the neck and face.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of otolaryngology. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters. 

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and physiology of the ear

Anatomy and physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses

Anatomy and physiology of the throat 

Common ENT Diseases

Common investigations 

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved 

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the ear, nose and throat

How the ear, nose and throat work

Common Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to otolaryngology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in otolaryngology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently


Urology and the Male Urogenital System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the surgical and medical diseases of the male and female urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of urology and the male reproductive system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the urinary system ( Emphasis on Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System)

Physiology of the urinary system (Emphasis on Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System)

Common Female Urological Disorders

Common Male Urological Disorders

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the urinary system and male reproductive system

How the urinary system and male reproductive system works

Common Male and Female Urological Disorders

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the urology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the urology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

The Respiratory System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


The Respiratory System is an important system in our body for gas exchange. It contains a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of the respiratory system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Healthcare Interpreter Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system

Pathology and common disorders of the respiratory system

Common investigations and common medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the respiratory system

How the respiratory system works

Common disorders involving the respiratory system and their causes

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the respiratory system

Easy ways to remember relevant respiratory terminology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall respiratory terminology efficiently

nervous system crash course

The Nervous System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Neurology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates body activities. Neurological disorders are disorders of the brain and nervous system, such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and acquired brain injury. Almost one in six people worldwide have a neurological disorder (WHO 2006).

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of the Nervous System. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the brain and nervous system

Physiology of the brain and nervous system

Common Neurological Disorders

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the brain and nervous system

How the brain and nervous system works

Common Neurological Disorders

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the neurology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the neurology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

The Digestive System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


The digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tracts and accessory organs of digestion; this includes the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and salivary glands. The digestive system is important for transporting food, breaking down food, taking up nutrients from food and moving out waste products from our body.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining basic understanding of the digestive system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the digestive system

Physiology of the digestive system

Pathology of the digestive system

Common disorders of gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and salivary glands

Common investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the digestive system

How the digestive system works

Common disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and salivary glands

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the digestive system

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the digestive system


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

The Cardiovascular System (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


The cardiovascular system is an important structure within the human body. Cardiovascular disease is one of Australia’s largest health problem and accounts for 1 in 4 of all deaths.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining basic understanding of the cardiovascular system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system

Pathology and common disorders of cardiovascular system

Common investigations and common medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the cardiovascular system.

How the cardiovascular system works.

Common disorders involving the cardiovascular system and their causes.

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the cardiovascular system.

Easy ways to remember relevant cardiovascular terminology.


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain.

Understand, remember and recall cardiovascular terminology efficiently.

Paediatrics (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Paediatrics & Child Health is a branch of medicine centred on the health and medical care of infants, children and adolescents.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Paediatrics. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters. 

This course will cover the following items:

Immunization for children in Australia

Growth and Developmental Disorders

Some common Childhood Health Problems- Cerebral Palsy, Croup, Bronchiolitis, Chicken Pox, Cystic Fibrosis, Pyloric stenosis, Hirschsprung diseases

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved 

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The National Immunization Program For Children in Australia

Growth and Developmental Disorders

Some common Childhood Health Problems – Cerebral Palsy, Croup, Bronchiolitis, Chicken Pox, Cystic Fibrosis, Undescended Testis, Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, Pyloric stenosis

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to Paediatrics

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Paediatrics


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Orthopaedics (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Orthopaedics is the medical specialty that focuses on injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is made up of muscles and bones, as well as joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining basic understanding of the musculoskeletal system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system

Physiology of the musculoskeletal system

Common Musculoskeletal Disorders

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the musculoskeletal system

How the musculoskeletal system works

Common Musculoskeletal Disorders

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the orthopaedics

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the orthopaedics


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Oncology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with tumours, cancer and providing care/treatment for patients diagnosed with cancer. The most common cancers in Australia (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) are prostate, breast, colorectal (bowel), melanoma and lung cancer (Cancer Council Australia).

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining basic understanding of the Oncology. Interpreters who are preparing for NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter

This course will cover the following items:

Pathophysiology of Cancer and Tumour

Common Cancers in Australia

Staging and Grading of Cancer

Australia National Cancer Screening Program

Common Investigation, treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The pathophysiology of cancer and tumour

Common cancer diseases in Australia

National Cancer Screening program

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the oncology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the oncology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Nephrology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Nephrology is a specialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diseases of the kidneys. An estimated 1.7 million (10%) Australian adults aged 18 years and over had biomedical signs of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of the Nephrology System. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the Kidney

Physiology of the Kidney

Common Renal Diseases

Common investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the urinary system

How the urinary system works

Common Kidney Diseases

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the nephrology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the nephrology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Neonatology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Neonatology is a subspecialty of paediatrics that specialises in the medical care of newborn infants, especially those that are ill or premature. It is a hospital-based specialty and is usually practised in neonatal care units. In Australia, around eight per cent of babies are born prematurely (before 37 weeks’ gestation) every year (Better Health Vic).

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Neonatology. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters. 

This course will cover the following items:

Neonatal Care

Neonatal Asphyxia  

Transient Tachypnoea of the Newborn

Neonatal Jaundice

Some other common disorders in premature babies

Some common procedures and Investigations

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The Neonatal Care

Some common neonatological diseases: Neonatal Asphyxia, Neonatal Jaundice and Transient Tachypnoea of the Newborns

Some other common disorders in premature babies

Some common procedures and Investigations

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Neonatology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Mental Health (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioural disorders.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Mental Health. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Common symptoms of mental illness – anhedonia, euphoria, hallucination, delusion and insomnia

Common eating disorders

Common mood disorders

Common psychotic disorders

Common anxiety disorders

Common personality disorders

Trauma related disorders

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Special notes in Mental Health Interpreting

Course outcomes


Some common symptoms of mental illness – anhedonia, euphoria, hallucination, delusion and insomnia

Common eating disorders

Common mood disorders

Common psychotic disorders

Common anxiety disorders

Common personality disorders

Trauma related disorders

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the mental health

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the mental health

Special notes in Mental Health Interpreting


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Immunology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Immunology is the branch of biomedical science that study the structure and function of the immune system. The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining basic understanding of clinical immunology and allergy. Interpreters who are preparing for NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and Physiology of the Immune System

Common Allergic Diseases

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved
Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the immune system

How the immune system works

Common Allergic Diseases

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the Clinical Immunology and Allergy

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in Clinical Immunology and Allergy


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Haematology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Haematology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of diseases related to blood. Common blood disorders include anaemia, bleeding disorders such as haemophilia and blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of the haematological system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the haematological system

Physiology of the haematological system

Common Blood Disorders

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the haematological system

How the haematological system works

Common Blood Disorders

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the haematology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the haematology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

What is Geriatric Care

Geriatrics and Aged Care (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Geriatric medicine or Geriatrics is a specialty that focuses on the health care of people aged 65 and over who usually have more than one age-related condition.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining a basic understanding of Geriatrics and Aged Care. This includes those who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter test, or those who are pursuing to become healthcare interpreters.

This course will cover the following items:

Common age-related diseases- Dementia, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease and  Osteoporosis

Relevant investigations 

Relevant treatments and medications

Health professionals involved 

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


Some common age-related health problems- Dementia, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease and  Osteoporosis

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to geriatric medicine

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in geriatric medicine


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain.

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Endocrinology and Diabetes (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Endocrinology is the study of medicine that relates to the endocrine system. The endocrine system is a series of glands that produce and secrete hormones that the body uses for a wide range of functions.

Who would this be useful for?

Interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who are interested in gaining basic understanding of the endocrine system. Interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test. Interpreters who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy of the endocrine system

Physiology of the endocrine system

Common Endocrine Disorders- include Diabetes

Common Investigations

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


The anatomy of the endocrine system

How the endocrine system works

Common Endocrine Disorders

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to the endocrinology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in the endocrinology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Dermatology (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Dermatology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Australia has one of the highest rates of melanoma in the world.

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who wish to develop a basic understanding of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. It is also suitable for interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test, or who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Anatomy and physiology of the skin

Pathology and common disorders – Alopecia Areata, Vitiligo, Eczema, Psoriasis, Melanoma and other skin cancers.

Common investigations 

Common treatments and medications

Health professionals involved 

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words) 

Course outcomes


The anatomy and function of the skin

Common Skin Diseases

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to dermatology

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in dermatology


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (T&I in Healthcare Settings)

10 points
PD Certificate


Anaesthesiology is the medical specialty concerned with the perioperative care of patients before, during and after surgery. It encompasses anaesthesia, intensive care medicine, critical emergency medicine and pain medicine. Anaesthesia is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness that is induced for medical purposes. Intensive care refers to the specialised treatment given to patients in an acute medical condition who require critical medical care.

Who would this be useful for?

This module would be useful for interpreters at all levels of knowledge of clinical medicine who wish to develop a basic understanding of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. It is also suitable for interpreters who are preparing for the NAATI Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Test, or who are pursuing to become a healthcare interpreter.

This course will cover the following items:

Types of Anaesthesia

Intensive care – Intubation, Mechanical Ventilation, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Perioperative care- Pre-operative anaesthetic assessment and Postoperative recovery room care

Health professionals involved

Important medical terminology (including Latin and Greek Root words)

Course outcomes


Types of Anaesthesia

Intensive care includes: Intubation, Mechanical Ventilation and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

Perioperative care includes Pre-operative anaesthetic assessment and Postoperative recovery room care

The names and utility of common investigations, medications and health professionals in relation to anaesthesia and intensive care

Easy ways to remember relevant medical terminology in anaesthesia and intensive care


Provide high quality and professional interpreting of complex and specialised spoken language from the health domain

Understand, remember and recall relevant medical terminology efficiently

Presented By

Professor of Translation and Interpreting
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand
Medical Doctor and Medical Education Facilitator
All Graduates – Interpreting & Translating
Melbourne, Australia

Provided By

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PD Certificate
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PD Certificate
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Bundle – 6 products

Interpreting is a collection of skills requiring attention and capability. This collection of on-demand courses builds upon the abilities you already have, and expands upon your competencies allowing you to move forward in your personal professional development.   Encompassing multiple scenarios you will encounter as an interpreter, these courses are useful for practitioners regardless of their level of certification, and we recommend it especially for those practising below the “Certified Interpreter” level. They can be especially useful for practitioners who are new to the industry or the country.

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PD Certificate

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