
On-Demand Course



Introduction to the Australian Health System (Translating & Interpreting in Healthcare Settings)



  • Understanding the Australian healthcare system, including Medicare, public and private health
  • Understanding admission and referral processes
  • Primary Physicians and GPs
  • Outpatient Clinics and Specialist Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Emergency Departments (ERs)

Who would this be useful for?

This course would be useful for: Overseas trained health professionals wishing to work in Australia Interpreters interpreting in Australian healthcare settings Translators undertaking work related to Australian healthcare settings

This course will cover the following items:

The Australian Healthcare system as a hybrid model in between the welfare state model and the market model

Medicare, what it covers or does not cover, and the concept of bulk billing

Who can enrol in Medicare and some countries with Reciprocal Health Care Agreements


Health Professionals and Allied Health Professionals in Australia

Outpatient Clinics

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

Medicare screening, tests and scans

Private insurance in Australia

History taking, physical examination and diagnostic studies

Emergency Departments

Course outcomes


The Australian Healthcare system, health professionals and allied health professionals, public hospitals and outpatient clinics

Medicare, what it covers or does not cover, and the concept of bulk billing, and Medicare screening, tests and scans

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)

Who can enrol in Medicare and some countries with Reciprocal Health Care Agreements


Private insurance in Australia

History taking, physical examination and diagnostic studies

Emergency Departments


Interpret or translate terminology related to the Australian healthcare system

Demonstrate an awareness of what will happen during a visit to a health professional in Australia

Demonstrate an awareness of what happens in Emergency Departments in Australia

Demonstrate an awareness of the referral system

Certificate Earned

 A professional development certificate will be issued upon completion of the course. Learners will be eligible to receive points towards recertification (Section 1.4 of NAATI Recertification PD Catalogue). Some courses may attract PD points from multiple categories. Please choose the most appropriate category for your recertification.


Course Completion Guidelines

Students are required to read and complete all the course content, including watching all videos, and successfully completing all assessments. In order to attain your certificate, you need to score 100% on each assessment. Students will have unlimited attempts to complete the course over the length of their access.



Presented By

Presenter - Ineke Crezee
Professor of Translation and Interpreting
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand

Provided By

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Original price was: $822.00.Current price is: $549.00.


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10 points
PD Certificate
12 Months Unlimited Access
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